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Children are admitted to school in accordance with our Admission Policy. Please click here for a copy of the policy for 23/24 and here for a copy of the policy for 24/25

Children start school at the start of the Autumn Term after their fourth birthday. For details about 'First- Time Admissions' please click here

Parents who are considering sending their child to Manorfield School are invited to make an appointment to visit. This can include a discussion with the Head Teacher and the opportunity to see pupils at work in their learning environment and making use of the school’s many facilities.

Throughout the school year there are strong links between the local playschools and EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) and KS1 through an ongoing programme of shared activities. These activities are opportunities for playschool to visit school e.g. watching the EYFS and KS1 Christmas play, sharing the crash and bash singing session.

The term before the children start school the EYFS staff visit the local playschools to share in a session and meet the children. The children’s parents and carers are invited to attend a Pre-School meeting to find out about the school’s ethos and routines. There are also hour long taster sessions for the children, the first is with their parents/ carers, the next hour visits are without their parents/carers. The final visit is for a whole morning in their class group. These sessions help to ease our youngest pupils into the school, by introducing them to the teacher and learning support assistant and to each other. This way we hope that when they join us in September, they will feel happy and relaxed about their new school, and understand what is expected of them.

The parents/carers of the new intake are invited in to school for a short Pre-School interview. This enables the class teacher and parents/carers to begin to make a working relationship. It is an opportunity for parents/carers to share information about their children’s likes, dislikes, skills etc. thus allowing the teacher to begin to build up a picture of the child before they start school. This information is then kept as part of the child’s learning journey.


Click the link to Leicestershire County Council School Admissions to apply for a school place: 

https://www.leicestershire.gov.uk/education-and-children/schools-colleges-and-academies/school-admissions or telephone 0116 305 6684

For information with regards to appeals, please click here