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Manorfield C of E Local Governing board

The Local Governing Board plays a key role in setting the school’s overall direction.

An overview of what the LGB does for the schools:

· Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;

· Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the schools and their pupils, and the performance management of staff

· Overseeing the financial performance of each school and making sure its money is well spent.

How the Local Governing Board is formed:

As federated schools, Manorfield CE Primary School and Croft CE Primary School, share a Local Governing Board. This is made up of two elected parent governors, two staff governors, representatives of the local community (co-opted governors) and, as both are Church of England primary schools, there are also two Foundation (Church) Governors (one of whom may be the parish Priest). The aim is that each school will be equally represented on the board – however the board itself is collectively responsible for both schools and although a governor may initially represent one or other, their role will cover both.

What the Local Governing Board does in more detail:

The Local Governing Board:

· plays a key role in setting the schools’ overall directions as an individual schools within the Embrace Multi Academy Trust

· holds each of the schools accountable for its performance by acting as a ‘critical friend’ to the Headteacher and the Senior Leadership Team - offering support and asking challenging questions

· helps to respond to the needs of parents and the community

· helps to shape the aims and objectives and agrees key policies that guide the schools’ work and ensures that all legal requirements are fully met

· ensures that the curriculum is sets challenging targets for children’s attainment and progress and keeps up the drive for continuous improvement

· ensures that the curriculum encourages children’s personal development, so that they are fully aware and engaged citizens of their community

· makes sure the schools fulfil their duty to keep children safe, properly looked after and enjoying their time at Croft and Manorfield

· monitors that the wellbeing of all stakeholders is considered and supported at all times

· agrees and monitors the school’s budget, making sure that resources are used for the particular needs of the school and for the benefit of the children

What being a governor involves:

The Local Governing Board meets twice termly as a whole. Each governor will have a specific link (or links) within the schools and liaises with the relevant member(s) of staff as necessary in order to feed back in these meetings. Outside of meetings, a number of working parties may be set up, according to specific needs. Governors work closely with school staff to support curriculum areas, form part of any staff selection panel, attend school events and meet with parents to discuss formal complaints. The aim is to match the interests and skills of each individual governor to the roles they take on. In addition to this, governors attend training sessions through local training providers or online (paid for by the school).

 Becoming a governor:

Manorfield and Croft each have one elected Parent Governor, who each serve a four year term before new elections are held. The school can also co-opt governors from the wider community if they have a particular skill that would strengthen the board’s ability to support and challenge the school (e.g. safeguarding, health and safety, special educational needs, finance etc).

The skills that we look for in a governor are:

· strong commitment to the role,

· inquisitiveness to question and analyse

· willingness to learn and undertake training

· good inter-personal skills

· basic level of literacy in English, and sufficient numeracy skills to understand basic data

· flexibility,

· a commitment to inclusivity and our Christian Values

· knowledge of the education system is helpful, but not essential

· a sense of humour is vital!

Mrs Kathryn Bullock is the Chair of our Governing Board and can be contacted via the school office. 

Please click here to view the 2023-24 Governing Board

For the register of business interests of headteachers and governors please click here