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The students at Manorfield regularly use the internet as part of their education. All children have participated in e-safety lessons and activities to show children the importance of keeping themselves safe online. We use Classroom Cloud software to monitor the pages that children are viewing and searching for and have filtering software in place to ensure inappropriate webpages are blocked. School staff will communicate with parents via Class Dojo, office email and telephone. School staff will not contact pupils online directly for any circumstance.

When at home, sometimes the students access the internet unsupervised. This could possibly allow them access to a range of sites, both good and bad. It also allows interaction with all kinds of people and can allow virtual access into their homes.

Here are some tips and useful links to help you to keep your children safe online: 

Acceptable Use

During lessons your child's teacher will have talked through the acceptable use policy with the class. This explains how pupils are expected to use technology in school. 

A copy of the rules they are expected to follow can be found here:

KS1 Code of Conduct

KS2 Acceptable Use Policy

The Acceptable Use of ICT Policies are in place to maintain safety when children are using the internet in school. As part of the online safety features in school, we use a filtering software called ‘Surf Protect’ to block inappropriate content.

Alongside this we also use monitoring software called classroom.cloud to ensure anyone using devices in school is accessing suitable content and not searching for anything inappropriate. 

Internet Matters

An online safety portal is available to parents to give more information about what children might be doing online, the issues they may face and what you can do to help. This portal is www.internetmatters.org. The following link is to a youtube video introducing this portal, supported by Sophie Ellis-Baxter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xz8T9jTxBDI

This website also has a link to a free app of the story ‘Digiduck’s big decision’. This is a fantastic story to read with younger children to help them understand issues online and what they can do if they face them. To access this page please follow this link; http://www.internetmatters.org/educate/digiduck.html

Some links to more information:


If you have any concerns for your child or another child feel free to come and talk to our e-Safety Officers (Miss Weed and Miss Williams) or Mrs Thompson (Head of School).