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Welcome to EYFS!



Mrs C Jones 

 Class Teacher

Mrs Maton-Marshall

Class Teacher

I have been teaching at Manorfield for 11 years now across KS2. I have loved every single moment (even the Year 6 residential trips!) 

I have 4 children and two dogs, who always get into lots of mischief!

My main hobby is Art, especially drawing and clay work. 

Mrs Elvidge

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Hornabrook

Learning Support Assistant 

Mrs L Johnson 

Learning Support Assistant 



On these pages you will be able to see what we have been learning about in our EYFS classes, find useful links to websites and see examples and pictures of work we have been doing.

EYFS Topics

manorfield c of e primary school eyfs.pdf

Our learning






EYFS 21.22


What is Early Years Foundation Stage all about?

The curriculum for your child’s first year at school year is play based providing active learning suitable for the needs of young children and the ways in which they learn.

The curriculum underpins all future learning by aiming to support, foster, promote and develop children through the following seven areas:

Prime areas: Communication and language; Physical development; and Personal, social and emotional development 

Specific areas: Literacy; Mathematics; Understanding the world; and Expressive arts and design.

In school we use Read, Write, Inc. to support our phonics learning and Power Maths to support our Maths learning. When planning and guiding pupil activities, we also reflect on the different ways that our pupils learn and ensure that the characteristics of effective teaching and learning are embedded into our daily practice.

The characteristics of learning are:

Further information on the Statutory Framework for the EYFS can be found at:


Useful information

Parental Involvement

Successful education depends on a strong link between home and school.

It is very important that parents and the EYFS team work together to have a positive impact on your child’s development and learning. All parents are welcome, valued and necessary. We will be sending out a weekly Class Dojo update informing you about some of the activities we have done each week and what we are doing the following week. This will give you a good idea of what your child is doing at school. We aim to keep you fully informed of how your child’s learning and achievements are progressing during this important first year in school via Tapestry. If you have any particular knowledge or expertise, we would like to use it to support the learning opportunities we provide, just let us know. Also, do you have any ideas for this EYFS page? Why not let the team know, so that we can make every effort to make this page as useful as possible.


Suitable clothing would be a white t shirt with black shorts and a pair of plimsolls or trainers. During the colder months please also ensure children are wearing a tracksuit or jogging bottoms. All clothes including your child’s school uniform need to be labelled clearly with the child’s name.


Children must not wear earrings for PE.

If your child wears earrings to school, they must be able to take them out independently as staff are not allowed to remove them or tape them up. However, we would appreciate it if children would not wear earrings on the days we have PE.

Pupil Premium 

The Pupil Premium is extra government money which is paid to schools to support children’s learning and development. Leicestershire County Council has developed a leaflet for parents to raise awareness of the link between Free School Meals and the Pupil Premium in schools. It explains why it is important to register your child for Free School Meals and gives details on how you can check for eligibility.

Please click here for a Pupil Premium Application Form

How you can help your child?


Always encourage your child to take pride in their work

Take time to share a book with them - take them to the library regularly.
We use Rush Miskin Phonics to teach children reading, writing & spelling. In order to help your child at home you will find these resources extremely useful and fun to do, at the same time reinforcing their learning at school. Simply search on-line for 'Sound pronunciation guide youtube' or follow this link www.youtube.com/Sound.

Likewise, you can find lots of useful information and resources to help you and your child by searching either Ruth Miskin or RWI parents resources on line.
Please come and see us if you have any questions or concerns. We are an approachable team and are happy to help. We will also be sending home homework that assists and embeds what we are learning at school.

How you can help your school?

Here is a recommended reading list of popular storybooks to share with your child:

Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?

Bill Martin Jnr

Where’s Spot?

Eric Hill

Guess How Much I Love You

Sam McBratney and Garth Williams

The Little Red Hen

Byron Barton

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Eric Carle

Clifford the Big Red Dog

Norman Bridwell

Owl Babies

Martin Waddell and Patrick Benson

Where the Wild Things Are

Maurice Sendak

Winnie the Pooh

A A Milne

The Tale of Peter Rabbit

Beatrix Potter

Stone Soup

Marcia Brown

Not Now Bernard

David McKee

There was an Old Lady who Swallowed a Fly

Pam Adams

The Tiger Who Came to Tea

Jill Tomlinson

The Gruffalo

Julia Donaldson & Axel Scheffler

Winnie the Witch

Valerie Thomas & Korky Paul

The Elephant and the Bad Baby

Elfrida Vipont & Raymond Briggs

We’re Going on a Bear Hunt

Helen Oxenbury

Handa’s Surprise

Eileen Browne

The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark

Jill  Tomlinson

I Will Never Eat a Tomato

Lauren Child

Rosie’s Walk

Pat and Laurence Hutchins

One Snowy  Night

Nick Butterworth

Dear Zoo

Rod Campbell

The Rainbow Fish

Marcus Pfister


Shirley Hughes

Farmer Duck

Martin Waddell

Once Their Were Giants

Martin Waddell and Penny Dale

Traditional Rhymes

Alphabet Books

Counting Books


Is a website for children and parents which includes
reading resources, competitions and support.

Development of Emergent Writing

Children go through a series of stages as they are learning to write.

From the first scribbles to writing names, there are anticipated stages. While the characteristics within these stages may vary upon the child and the lines between the stages a bit blurry, the series of stages are predictable and every child moves through the stages at some point for some period of time.

1. Scribbling/Drawing

Scribbling looks random, but to a child scribbles are very purposeful.

While scribbles do not resemble letters or writing, they do represent the ideas of a young writer. These beginning attempts to writing can be proud accomplishments to a youngster and should be encouraged. At this stage, thick crayons and markers on unlined paper is the most appropriate.

2. Letter-Like Symbols

At this stage in development, children make the connection that writers use symbols to convey meaning.

Their scribbles have taken on more shape, such as circles, straight lines, and other figures of meaning to the child. However, there is little orientation at this stage, meaning that these letter-like forms will appear all over a page, not from top to bottom and left to right. Children are excited to share with others their writing and can often tell a story about their picture. Crayons, markers and blank paper are still appropriate writing tools.

3. Letters

At this stage, children begin to use random, but often times somewhat familiar letters, such as those in in the child’s name.

Writing usually consists of strings of upper case letters with little or no concern about spacing of letters or between words. During this stage, children still do not recognise letter-sound relationships in their own writing, so letter sounds may not correspond to what the child has believed to have written. At this stage, children gain from expanding their use of writing materials. Cards, envelopes, notepads, coloured pencils and some pens are motivating to children at this stage of writing.

4. Letters and Spaces

During this stage of writing development children learn more about how spoken words correspond with written words on a page.

They often point to familiar words in text, albeit sometimes wrong, such as the child that holds up a book and says, while pointing to the title, “Construction,” when the actual title is “Roadwork”. This demonstrates the child knows concepts of words in writing. However it is not until nursery and EYFS where children can master word spacing in their own writing.

Within this stage, children go through a series of mini stages that include representing initial sounds with corresponding letters. Children begin to use consonants to represent words, and then may insert vowels. Although at this point the spelling of words is more inventive than phonetic. Children gain from using a range of writing materials, as well as writing for multiple purposes.

5. Conventional Writing and Spelling

The final stages of writing development children have a fairly firm grasp on letter formation.

Most words are spelled correctly, and those that are not represent a base in phonics. They have knowledge of upper and lower case letters, placing on paper, and spacing between letters and words. With this knowledge, children’s writing looks more traditional like that of the English language.

Regardless of the stage, it is important to recognise and honour the efforts of your young writer. Encourage your child to write and share their stories, and take pride in displaying examples of their writing on the fridge or in their bedroom. This recognition and encouragement is very motivating to the child.

With RWI the children begin to learn letter formation very early on, with letter handwriting phrases, which are available from the teaching staff, are found in the children's homework books or below.