Online Work to Complete
For specific learning and activities relevant to individual year groups please follow the links under each Key stage and click on the work page for each year group.
Online Home Learning Ideas
Here is a list of websites where you can find quality resources to support your child's reading during this period of school closure. Below are some of the best ones, but if you find anything else helpful and wish to share; please message Mrs L Jones a link or name of website.
Keep reading!
***Oxford Owl***
Great for EYFS & KS1 children as this links directly to Read, Write, Inc & Songbirds books that your child may have already brought home from school. The website requires you to create a free parent login. From here you can search for books by level or recommended age. This is also a fantastic resource for KS2 children as they will recognise some other schemes we have in school such as TreeTops, Oxford Reading Tree and Project X.
***Twinkl E-Books***
Aimed at KS1 children but will still be suitable up to Year 4 or even Year 5 (especially the non-fiction hostory and geography books). Twinkl are currently giving parents free access to their resources using the code UKTWINKLHELPS
Amazon have made their Audible audio books free without any need for sign-up or login throughout the school closure period. There is a whole host of short-stories, songs, classic texts and novels aimed at all ages. Being read to is just as important as the children reading themselves and this might be a good way of encouraging some quiet time, allowing you to continue your own work!
***Phonics Play***
Aimed at EYFS & KS1 children, phonics play is packed with games to support phonics. They are offering free access to parents at home; details are on the home page.
***Amazon Kindle***
Once your children have read all of their books on the bookshelf at home, Amazon Kindle is an easy and quick way of purchasing new texts. You don't have to have a Kindle E-reader; they also have a web-based reader called the Cloud Reader. E-Books purchased through Amazon instantly appear here. If you have Amazon Prime, many books are available for free.