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Year 6

Welcome to Year 6

The Year 6 Team are:

Mr Kitchener

Class Teacher

Miss Robinson
Class Teacher

I have been teaching at Manorfield for 6 years and have taught in Year 1, Year 2 and Year 4.

Here are a few things that you might, or might not know about me.

My memory sometimes lets me down so you might have to remind me of things and help me out with colours as I’m shade blind.

I’m married with two children and have a dog called Buzzbee.

In my spare time I read, lots; some novels but pretty much anything will do. I also spend my time cycling, playing golf, walking (my dog), generally just keeping busy.

I have been teaching at Manorfield for 9 years now and have taught in Year 5/6 and, for the last 2 years, in Year 6. 

love teaching all subjects but have a particular love of Science, Reading, Maths and History.

Outside of school, I have a cat called Millie who is very mischievous. I love to read and read all sorts of stories, including children's books so I can recommend them to my class.

I also enjoy watching sports, particularly Rugby and Tennis. 

Mrs Croucher

Learning Support Assistant

Mrs Sterland

Learning Support Assistant


Our learning





For more information about our learning please visit the school curriculum pages.



Year 6 Homework

Weekly homework consists of:

  1. Maths task from the CGP book
  2. Reading task from the CGP book
  3. Grammar task from the CGP book
  4. Practising the weekly spellings (grid below)
  5. Optional: Times table practise using Times Tables Rock stars– 5 – 10 minutes each week. Usernames and passwords can be reissued if required.

To support children in completing their homework, we have sent home some CGP study books.  If your child comes across a question in their homework that they are struggling with, then these are useful books to look to at as they provide information on each of the curriculum topics.  Please do not write in these books as we will be collecting them in again at the end of the year. 

 Year 6 Transition - information for parents

Our Year 6 children feed into many different secondary schools in the local area.  At Manorfield we recognise that transition to secondary school can be a very challenging and demanding time for children but also their families.

This year, for the first time, we have invited parents into school to discuss what being 'secondary ready' is, what school are doing to support this and also what parents can be doing at home in preparation for this big move.  

Please download our Year 6 transition presentation for more information.

Year 6 transition presentation