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The aim of the RE curriculum at Manorfield is to give children a deep knowledge of Christianity and an overview of different world religions. Children need more than ever, to gain an understanding of the cultural conventions, moral traditions, customs and faith which embody the fundamental values of all the communities which they may come into contact with locally and globally in their lifetimes. 

By the end of Year 6 we hope that children have taken on board the key themes and beliefs taught to help them show empathy, tolerance and understanding for those of different faiths and to understand how different faiths and cultures have shared themes.  

The curriculum is taught through the Leicestershire SACRE and Understanding Christianity. Understanding Christianity covers eight core concepts identified at the heart of mainstream Christian belief.  It sets out knowledge ‘building blocks’, to clarify what pupils should know and understand about these concepts at each school phase. 


We want children to leave Manorfield understanding that Faith is not only made up of World religions followed by hundreds of people but is based on each individual’s personal beliefs and those beliefs should influence their actions in a positive way for those around them.  

manorfield c of e primary school re.pdf