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Guidance for parents and pupils

Zoom Group Sessions


zoom group session details.pdf

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Remote Learning Guidance- Lockdown January 2021


Maths – Class Teacher will post on Class Dojo story to direct parents to the Power Maths text book and work book that was sent home. Teachers will also upload the corresponding video. The work is to be completed in the work books already sent home and parents to send photo of completed work back to class teacher either via Class Dojo message function or portfolios. Teacher will upload the answer sheet at the end of the day. We will aim where possible to get booklets printed on the first day to be hand delivered or posted ready for the second day.

Literacy – Work will be set work via Class Story. A WAGGOL (what a good one looks like) video will be uploaded with the task. Work to be completed in the exercise book (or CGP books that were sent home) and parents to send photo of completed work back to class teacher either via Class Dojo message function or portfolios.

Afternoon work – Work to be set via Class Story – where possible a WAGGOL will also be uploaded to help children with the task. Work to be completed in exercise books and photos/portfolios sent back to Class Teacher.

We will also be providing fortnightly group session check- ins via Zoom. Details of this will be sent separately and will be available on our website.


Help with Class Dojo

Click here for instructions on finding work on the portfolio section of Class Dojo

Click here for instructions on finding work on the portfolio section of Class Dojo and completing the worksheet online

Click here for visual instructions on returning work on Class Dojo


10 steps for submitting a photo or video of work on Dojo

1. Click on the activities tick

2. This will bring up your child’s To Do list

3. Scroll down to COMPLETED

4. To submit a Photo click on the + sign

5. You will see 4 colourful squares Journal, Photo,

Video, Drawing,

6. Select Photo

7. This will open your camera and then take the photo

8. Choose which class to submit the work

9. You can choose to add a caption if you want

10. Press the blue send arrow in the top right corner


The video below has been created by the Class Dojo team to show how this works.  



To complete work that has been set on the website, please follow the instructions above and click on the plus sign as described above.

To answer questions or tasks that require a text answer, select 'journal' and then type the answer directly. 


Learning Videos

As we worried about the suggested videos that appear on the end of our YouTube teaching videos, we have adapted where you watch the videos. You will notice all videos can be found on the same link published on each year group learning videos page.

When you click on the link from a computer you will see a gallery of videos. The large video will always be the first for that day and then underneath (in order) you will see the rest of the videos for that day. This will include the class story videos.

When you click on the link from a phone, you will see the first video for the day, If you swipe right, you will then get the rest of the videos in order for the day.

Learning videos for each year group can be found on this page:


Remote Learning Guidance - Individual or Bubble Isolation

remote learning information sheet for parents.pdf