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Eco Council

Eco Council

 Eco-Schools is an international award that recognises when schools are making considerable achievements in being an eco-friendly environment which prepares children to live their future lives with consideration for global issues.

We are delighted to announce that we have been awarded the Eco Schools Silver Award.  We submitted what we have been doing in school to reduce, reuse and recycle. 

Please click here to see the Eco Council Action Plan

Water Workshops with Severn Trent

Saving water and looking after our environment are topics that the Eco Council have worked hard on making sure the school plays its part in reducing water waste and preserving water where possible. Such as, having "hippo bags" fitted in the cisterns of the toilets and saving water from the jugs that have not been drank at lunch time for water plants in the spring and summer.

Severn Trent have been into school to deliver workshop assemblies to Year 4 and will be returning later in the year to Year 5. The pupils were given a 30 minute engaging assembly about saving water, looking after our sewers and the environment. 

Severn Trent also left the school with water saving devices and practical hints and tips about saving water. Water saving kits are free and available for you to order for your home at the following website: www.stwater.co.uk/save 

Please click here to view the Water Waste Presentation

Asda Plastic Pollution Presentation 

Following the Eco Council's project on plastic pollution and the effects of this pollution in our oceans, Denise the Community Champion from ASDA Hinckley visited school.

Denise explained plastic pollution is all around us, but it is used in supermarkets because of it's flexible, durable and protective qualities. She also informed the pupils how ASDA is reducing their use of plastics in stores by:

Denise also explained that Asda are working hard to reduce our use of plastic wherever they can – because protecting our planet matters to them, and we know it matters to our customers too.

As part of ongoing efforts to remove avoidable plastic they are now going to remove carrier bags from our Home Delivery and Click & Collect orders. 

This is all great news for the planet! 

Eco Council Sustainable Christmas

During a Christmas Craft afternoon the children made wrapping paper from recycled paper and hand decorated it using biodegradable glitter.  Christmas tags were also made from recycled paper and string.  The children really enjoyed the afternoon and designed some fabulous pieces of wrapping paper. After we submitted pictures and told ITV Central News about our Eco Council they kindly featured us on the program. 


Eco Council Around School

New initiatives are the paper recycling team who collect paper at lunchtimes, raising whole school awareness by delivering assemblies and the  litter picking team who help to keep the school grounds clean and tidy. 

We have also introduced new Green bins which are situated on the playgrounds to collect waste fruit and vegetables which we will recycle into compost for our use.

We have created a number of planting areas around the school and look after these.  We have set up a new raised bed and are growing fruit and vegetables.

Our Eco-Council presented in the summer term an Assembly to the Key Stage 2 children on Plastic Waste and the effects on our oceans.

 Following this Assembly, the Eco Council devised an Eco Code and updated our Action Plan which includes eliminating plastic straws from our school, phasing out non biodegradable glitter and  installing water saving devices .

Manorfield Eco Code

 Eco Code