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Special Educational Needs & Disability

For further information and resources for our parents/carers please follow this link

Caring, Sharing, Inspiring: A commitment to inclusivity

The school is inclusive and nurturing, valuing difference and diversity and enabling all pupils and adults to flourish.                                          SIAMS 2019 

At Manorfield CE Primary School, we pride ourselves in being both welcoming and inclusive.   We are committed to using our best endeavours to provide an appropriate and high quality education for all children which enables them to:

We consider every teacher to be a teacher of every child, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. We have the highest aspirations and expectations for all pupils, including those with special educational needs.

The Graduated Approach to SEND Support

Identifying and adapting teaching to meet pupils’ needs is a process that is in place for all pupils. The school has a rigorous and regular system to identify where pupils are not making expected progress or working below national expectations. Class teachers will put in place if necessary, relevant and timely provision, through quality first teaching, appropriate differentiation and in-class support, aimed at closing the gap or raising the attainment. The class teacher will also talk with parents to ensure there is a shared understanding of pupils needs and to gain parental perspective on any emerging concerns and areas of strength.

The SEND Information Report describes the types of support and provision available at Manorfield CE Primary School for supporting all children to reach their potential. It aims to answer questions parents / carers may have and also outlines what this would look like for children.  

Please click here for a link to our SEND Information Report (updated 2024)

Please click here for a link to our SEND Information Report (updated 2023)

Please click here for a link to our SEND Information Report (updated 2022)


Please click here to view our full SEND policy (updated 2022)

Identification of Special Educational Needs

At Manorfield CE Primary School children are identified as having SEN in a variety of ways e.g.

The Stages of Provision 

The SEND Code of Practice supports pupils with significant or complex Health and Learning needs. The SEND Code of Practice (updated Apr 2020) is used to inform SEND support provided in schools. Teachers remain responsible for the progress and development of the pupils in their class, additional support is based on the following ‘Stages of Provision.’

The first stage is the provision of high-quality teaching. SEND should not be regarded as sufficient explanation for low achievement.

If a child is making little or no progress the school should consider involving specialists including those from outside professionals. These professionals include:

If progress continues to be insufficient a request can be made for an education, health and care needs assessment. The Local Authority makes the decision to go ahead or not with the assessment and the school will be expected to demonstrate evidence of action they have already taken.

The links below provides guidance on Leicestershire's Local Offer:


Please click here for a video with further details about Leicestershire's Local Offer

Our SEND Co-ordinator is Mrs Leanne Jones.  She can be contacted via the school office or via your child’s Class Dojo.