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Year 3

During the lockdown from January 2021 work will be posted on Class Dojo and learning videos are available on each year page via this link: https://manorfieldcofe.wixsite.com/manorfieldvideos

Remote Learning

If your child is off school due to needing to self-isolate or whilst waiting for results from a Covid-19 test we have sourced the following work for children to complete whilst at home. For the first day of self-isolating please use the work below. Class teachers will send you the work for the next day via Class Dojo Portfolio (information on how to access this can be found here). Please send any work completed back to teachers via the Class Dojo app. Instructions for this can be found here. 


An example of our daily timetable in school is:

Maths - Break - Literacy - Times Tables Practice- Lunch- Reading time - Topic



1st day work

Basic skills work - Number and Place Value, Addition and Subtraction


2nd day onwards

Please click the link below, select the relevant week (it will say 'Current Week'), the relevant lesson (it reads from left to right then down, left to right then down). Class Teachers will send you the worksheet to complete. They are teaching during the day and may not be able to answer messages on Class Dojo if you have a query.




Please click on the link below for lessons based on Literacy skills for Year 3.

Ancient Egypt Reading Comprehension

 Spelling punctuation and grammar Task 1 Y3

Sports Day Text

Sports Day Questions

The Competition Text

The Competition Questions

Please feel free to complete the work on any paper you have at home or on the portfolio section on Class Dojo (instructions for this can be found on the 'Parents' tab under 'Class Dojo')


Times Tables

Please continue to complete tasks on Times tables Rockstars. Your teacher will be able to see how many you are completing. 

You could also have a go at the challenge sheets below.

 Times tables Challenge 1

Times tables Challenge 2



This term we are learning about Ancient Egypt. Please follow the link below to learn more about Ancient Egypt. 



5th January 2021

Year 3 Maths - 05.01.21

Year 3 Reading Comprehension Booklet

Year 3 Reading Comprehension Questions

Year 3 Spelling and Grammar - 05.01.21


Click here for Picture Immersions Power Point

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